Underworld Mazes and Gems

If you’ve been wondering where I am, don’t worry- I’m still underground chipping away at the next update. The last few days I’ve been tweaking an algorithm that generates underground rooms and tunnels. It’s turning into a big maze of sorts that I will soon fill with challenging monsters. Only the immediate underground can be dug away by players.. the deeper levels are generated and the walls can’t be tunneled through.

I’m also planning to populate the underworld with rare gems that will factor into enhancing your weapons and armor, depending on what combinations of gems you use. These will be the items worth naming. There will be some other unique objects I’m planning to add in addition to some bug fixes, so it’ll be some more time before you all make holes in the ground, and holes in your stomach as you venture deeper. In the meantime prepare yourselves, and continue to keep civilization civilized. If that’s what you’re going for anyways.