Pre-Map Expansion Update

Things are getting a bit crowded, for those who want to stretch their legs I’m preparing to add a lot of extra room to explore. The underworld will be deeper, and I am working on a primitive form of sea travel so look for that soon as well. In preparation for more room and higher wildlife population caps I’ve made a few optimizations among other changes:

  • Animals slow down and mostly hibernate when people aren’t around.
  • There is a small cooldown limit on building and crafting to reduce build spam.
  • Carrot seed chance increased.
  • Decay rate increased to encourage efficient base building.
  • Animals now die of old age after around 3 days.
  • Single item stacks won’t exceed 100 on the same tile (top item will be destroyed).
  • CPU usage reduced to allow for more players on this budget server.
  • Added ‘in their sleep’ information to murder announcements.
  • Fixed a bug with player cloning, and possibly with items as well.
  • Database saves spread evenly so there won’t be sudden bouts of lag.