The Purge Is Coming: Friday July 1st 6PM PST


This is your warning, the dead will come to life only to die soon after. It’s almost like a server wipe you get to participate in. All characters ever made will be forced to log in and won’t log out again until they die (while this experiment lasts).

Prepare your bunkers. Hide your alts, hide your mains – warn your friends. I ran this experiment on the test server and over 100 characters died to wildlife in the first hour but many more were left sleeping, according to the /who command. A bit unsettling to walk around seeing them all.

Coming with the update is a new object you can build called the ‘Shard Trap’. You can set this on the floor to damage any non-npc that walks over it. Another feature is that targeted enemies will be attacked at range if you have a spear or hammer. All arrows will require line of sight and tribe towers have been buffed. See you there!